Learn, connect, and commerce with the object manipulation and performing art communities

Woman in the mountains

Our mission is to create an online platform that fosters inter- and intra-community learning, connection, and commerce within the object manipulation and performance art communities.

Enhancing Your Learning

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Our platform supports diverse learning approaches, helping practitioners refine their skills and improve their practice methodologies. We aim to strike a balance between creativity, play, and technical skill to foster healthy and productive growth.

Future Feature


Collaborative databases to document various facets of these communities in a tabular format with advanced filtering and display options.

Future Feature


Save content across the app to folders, with options for sharing, collaboration, and integration with other features.

Future Feature


Track your exercises and progress over time. Learn from high-quality lessons created by Skillcircle and the community in various formats.

Fostering Connections Together

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The app is designed to strengthen connections between and within its diverse sub-communities. It facilitates both online and in-person interactions, with a focus on fostering collaboration and skill-sharing.

Future Feature


Share content with the broader community or keep it within your sub-community, all while connecting with like-minded individuals.

Future Feature


Play relaxed or competitive skill-based games online, including pig, tournaments, and betting on tricks to earn coins and climb the leaderboard.

Future Feature


Message and call friends in app.

Future Feature


A collection of world records showcasing incredible human feats.

Future Feature


Beyond the online world, connect with other skill practitioners to meet up at clubs, conventions, or the beach.

Future Feature


A centralized tab to receive notifications from all types of content.

Facilitating Commerce

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These features enable users to sell products, monetize performances, and streamline content patronage. These capabilities will support independent skill practitioners continue expanding their skills.

Future Feature


Discover new props with exclusive discounts from shops, or purchase used props through a peer-to-peer network.

Future Feature


Tokens can be used to wager on games, donate to artists, and more, with the option to cash out for real money.

Future Feature


Bridging the gap between performers seeking opportunities and agents, talent scouts, and others looking to hire.

We are dedicated to creating a space for every genuine person to share their thoughts.

Yoyo in dark setting

Encouraging people to reach a flow state through activities they love.

Benefits of the flow state >
Yoyo in dark setting

Connect with us

Comments or questions can be directed to .If you are intersted in joining the team, fill out this .To subscribe to our mailing list, fill out this .

Background image of a toss up of juggling props